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Revisiting Your Wild Side

Storytelling mentoring with Crystal Bowls by Blue Thunder from Interfaith Spiritual Sanctuary 10/17/18 Hello Wild Ones (from the Inner child heart like the book "Where the Wild Things Are." Part of the journey has some of Jhana Hranto's meditation suggested part infused with mine from the Goddess Oracle.

Baba Yaga is the Slavic Goddess of Autumn and Birth to Death that wears a red and gold cloak and long blonde hair. She has twinkles in her eyes and gleefully rides a broom, cauldron or mortar. The mortar is used to grind grains or anything extraneous. She lives in the jungle type forest and her house sits on chicken legs. She was changed into a witch in Russian fairytales as in "Hansel and Gretel." She is the Universal Guide into the Lessons of Revisiting your Wild Side. Have you felt repressed, stagnant, caged or put in lock down lately? Have you been told you are unacceptable, messy, dirty at times you've explored your wild side? A good example, is when you go hiking and you get dirt and sweat and mingle with nature, picking up stone, leaves, rock to toss, dip you feet or swim in a tiny brook, let the wind play with you and your hair as dirty? Nature is nature and it is the vital life force. Is it only acceptable when camping hiking we are forgiving of our "dirtiness?"

After breathing gently and relaxing our spine into the Mother Earth connected to her and continue to breath as your earthly body relaxes; you then transport to a place where their forest has soft moist soil and you look down to feel and see your bare feet. You are in front of a large tree and notice it's vastness and how tall it is. Notice the color and texture of the of bark and the branches and leaves. You see on one branch there is a hammock. How inviting as the gentle breeze rocks it slowly back and forth, back and forth and your breath matches the hammock. You climb into the hammock and are supported by tree and hammock swaying gently back and forth. Your Sacred body floats down to the earth and touches the tree trunk, feeling the texture, smelling the air and you walk around the tree. On the other side; there's a small door. You open it and step inside the tree on a root and sitting on the root; you travel down and down and down deep into Mother Earth. You then slide feeling safe and inner child like at the tip of the root and land on top a huge soft but firm mushroom. You get off the mushroom and you see a different world. It has an orange sun, the river is purple and the earth is blue with green skies. It is so different in this world of the Wild Things. You see the plants and trees of many different colors than you have seen on earth. Beautiful and hear the noises and calls of the Wild Things. You hear them howl, growl, yell, chant, sing and whistle playfully. The look almost human with clothes or no clothes without a care and messy hair. Some climbing trees and some swinging by on the vines, some rolling and playing in the rich dirt, running, splashing in the river. How much fun they are having.

Baba Yaga appears on a path you carve out for yourself in search of your Wild Side. She carries a broom. She points in the direction to a tree where you see a shadow hiding behind it. It is your Wild Side...such a long time it has been. She urges you to call to your wild side your own personal call to come out. Your Wild Side comes to you. Notice the hair, body and all of your Wild Side. Smiling (It's about time! type of expression) and says, "What do you want to do in your Wild Side...what wild things do you want to do?" You hesitate and then your Wild Side takes you by the hand and you run gleefully, dashing here and there, playing in nature's playground, sweating, howling, laughing, climbing, jumping and you have your calls you make to each other.

The sun is setting in this beautiful world and it is time to give thanks to Baba Yaga who tells you that your Wild Side is needed for wholeness and essential & vital to your life force. You are made from creativity and the creative force so explore your Wild Side whenever you need be, shake your hair, your body, dance without judgment or do not believe that you are not acceptable, dirty or messy in freedom to explore and create as nature does without separation. It is time to gift Baba Yaga something of nature from your heart and you ascend after reaching the mushroom and connect upward to the tree root. Traveling upward, upward, in gratitude, rejuvenation and lots of energy of the vital Wild Side you experienced and out the door of the tree into the hammock to merge with your earthly body and grounded and connected by touching the earth you are one. When's the next time you and your wild side have time? It has been a blessing. Namaste, Peace to you and Thank you...Wild Ones.

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