Happy Fall Equinox 9/22/2020
Happy Fall Equinox. Baking some special goodies for the fam and dinner today. Meditate on releases, light a candle, use a fire to burn your releases and write your manifestations.
Reflect on what you need to let go of and allow the Moon Medicine work through healing you. The owl hooted early to rise and give thanks to the bounty of Summer - The Masculine/The King from Spring birthed and now the Time has come for the Feminine to inspire you in stillness, calm and resolve for the things taught you thus far and created.
Like the bounty and crops harvested; the leaves will start to wither into its Swirling Deva like travels back into Mother Earth to experience spaces and places only observed but the surrender to freedom into the beauty of death of old ties, death of old habits, death of old relationships, death to self loathing and self defeating thoughts into your Deep Dive into your Divinity.
Enjoy the ride and like the leaves from many trees...they are family...all colors, shapes, sizes and forms...stil Mother Earth welcomes you back so in the Spring you may burst with the plans and steps taken during this incubational period. Just let the mind and spirit guide you.
Life is a cycle like the seasons. Take advantage of the changes and cycles by immersing yourself in the process of growth. Much much abundance wishes of merry manifestations and releases with gratitude of the bounty of lessons to our soul expansions.