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Lost Piece of Yourself Updated done at Emory

Hello Loves...Meditation on "Lost Pieces of Yourself" was my own journey from an Ancient tree on a summer day shaded and grounded by this tree as if it protected you... to a pathway to a river bank where a canoe that was personally yours was waiting.

You boarded the canoe to going down a river if clear purity as the canoe gently took you to a cavern open to the river and inside you saw the beauty and met Mother Earth as her hands were outstretched to you and heard her heart beat...she became a human form to ask you to ponder how long it has been you haven't been whole and wanted to be healed and collect the lost pieces that may have some emotional value that you've given away from others you even love raising you and teaching you or coaching you and from traumatic experience or fitting in with groups or diff. affiliations to help you feel accepted and identified.

Instead of staying in your canoe; she beckoned you out to the edge of the bank the canoe stopped to see Mother Earth. You were requested to dip your feet into a blue emerald water that was cool to touch but not uncomfortable.

She told you that she had be caring and holding your pieces until you wanted to retrieve them and choose them to be whole again. She asked you to find these as you heard the heart beat of Mother Earth.

You then went into your knees and the water so clear you could see your feet and no fish were in sight. The ground below you solid and steady and as you traveled closer listening to her heart beat; the water was warming and soothing.

The water's current was gentle and you felt love. It was time to see your pieces and retrieve these taking note how they looked old or some freshly renewed or new and you embraced these pieces in your arms and saw the wounds opened and ready to knead and massage these back lovingly into yourself.

You felt a sense of wholeness and completion and it was time for your Sacred body to return to your Earthly body and so you thanked Mother Earth. Before you returned; you wanted to make a gift for Mother Earth. You wen to the river to gather handfuls of clay in the earth and used the water and molded a bowl to place in her outstretched hands. You then took elements from within you to of intentions placed in gratitude for this healing. You took water and filled it slowly with your hands until you were done. You realized the bowl offered to Mother Earth was not for her but for you to fill yourself with your wholeness and beauty. You drank the water and it became a pact of self love.

You said your farewells and climbed back into the canoe that returned you back to where you boarded and you walked back to this great Ancient Tree, you sat and felt grounded ready to begin your new life of Wholeness.

Thank you and Namaste/Peace to You/Thank You! If you were not able to retrieve the piece or pieces; it was an exercise to practice honoring your Sacred Self to help think about what you've lost and needed to gain at your own time and choosing.

If you were not able to take your pieces back into your is because you were not ready even if the pieces come from pleasant situations...Be happy knowing that time cannot dictate nor anyone when you wish to do so.

Love you and that's all that matters and practice patience and self acceptance as Nature accepts you and does not judge even when you don't accept yourself. Much Much Love.



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