Sound Play with Sol Dance 10/24/2021
It was a beautiful weekend at Sol Dance - Ecstatic Dance Community. I have been attending since May 2021 when I can. It usually occurs outdoors during warm weather with a savy DJ Scott Houston and his gracious wife, Maya who are a positive influence on this local community near my arts center - Healium Center. He makes tracks found on soundcloud for different types of events and collaborates with others as well on rooftop or festivals. His wife is a psychotherapist and healer. I have been attending Scott Houston’s 5Rhythms off and on throughout the years prior to his own venture of Sol Dance. He is an experienced dancer and so is his wife. Beautiful and blessed to have a little one on the way.
When I was studying Shamanism in my late 30s and 40s; I learned to connect to my power animals intuitively and with the Gods and Goddesses (The Goddesses helped me be comfortable with the Feminine Divine within and the diversity we all are). I danced to the 7 directions or the 3 main realms or the elements and elementals giving grace for their pure light work in balance and healing. I also worked with the Sun, Sky, Moon, Clouds, Rain, Earth and Water along with Fire. I learned the elements individually and the different forms that Earth, Air , Fire and Water could be and merged and immersed myself. I used Tarot cards for the Goddess and this deck was from around the world. I learned much about myself and my loved ones or relationships or friendship or personal or business types and which deity was working between us and with us at the same time individually.
I took the energy of the chi/ki/prana or qi of earth and heaven and let it flow in my body for grounding clearing and balance. I then asked them to come into each palm and then expanded these energy balls and rotated going left and right then I took the merged energies of balance to heal us all and swept my hand of pure light of this and shared it. I hope you felt the love and union of Oneness we all became. It was an honor this past Sunday. October 24, 2021.
I had taken Tai Chi and Qi Gong during those years and loved it. I learned I could dimensionally travel for Universal Life Lessons for myself and others to share with coping skills. I had already practice spirit writing and channeled the deities, power animals, pure light helpers of the realms.
It was beautiful to express what I had learned in Sol Dance with fellow sound healers and percussionists.
I incorporate all my learnings skills and allow Spirit to guide me to express and dance and heal myself, the earth and others and all. It is a blessing to serve. Keep dedicated on pure light and unselfish service that is non egoicentric. Ego may try to climb in the driver’s seat but tell them take the back seat of your mind and free will. Be aware of all you focus on is making this the present for you. Be mindful and be humble. I give you this advise as I have earned the skills. Be love and you are loved my Beloveds. Until then, another blog.
