Universal Shake Up is a Wake Up Call to Truth

I had a dream with a sound healer ...a man...he seemed resistant to the changes happening in his life. Sometimes, we get used to functioning, thinking, behaving and responding to certain people, places and things/situations....it is part of growth to understand that change happens at any age...something outer factors are the re-direction of our journey....we feel so comfortable but it worked that way for a while you think but now a transformational situation occurs to keep moving us forward. We don't doubt the light and pure path we are drawn to and committed to but are we really in it? Do some people understand that what they think works concretely in their mind gets shaken up when we understand to step out of the way and allow it. Breathe, be loving, gentle and express yourself in a journal and meditate to understand the redirection. We are creatures of habits and sometimes we impose that this go on this way forever...when in reality we are being prepared for a bigger vision than our ego, than our 'used tos' and 'want too' and 'should bes'. Accept what is presented as a growth and new way to explore yourself, your mind, your body and your soul...Listen to your higher self; it is best in all these 'disruptive' occurrences to shake us up and wake us up. What is the truth about self, what is the truth about engagement, what is more transformation in the light and flow instead of resist it.
My prayers of acceptance of the new world and path we are meant to flow in the light...at first we struggle to be valiantly committed to the 'used tos', the 'should bet' and 'want too' and surrender to the new paradigm. You are of no use in resistance and battle modes against the light changes and altering of your mental, physical and spiritual alignment. It is important not to make people or things bad guys and create more division but what is important is to really question the information presented to you and research other resources for a more well rounded outlook on our world. Don't be committed to what you really think will give you popularity and keep alliances with friends in living a lie instead of questions, research and explore other ways of thinking....could we be wrong? Is it okay to be wrong? Is it okay to say we are wrong and I am sorry and adjust our behavior without conditional programming gone on from childhood that helped us get along with our elders, we are no longer children; we are more than choices made from the 'used tos', 'want too' and 'should be'...we are asked for truth in full presence with open eyes, ears and your own mind to think for yourself and figure out does this make sense in what we give our allegiances to in order to appear good, strong, beautiful, popular. Think about this and ponder what is truth....it comes from within.
Our Universe needs our Violet Flame prayers for all not some. If we remain in a divisive mode...we lead to our own self destruction. We need to unite in truth, make better systems for all with compassion, peace, love, understanding, patience and acknowledgement what is clearly in front of us is unacceptable when it is and unify for the positive changes. So much AI alterations happening and chat apps to make us appear we are truly present and engaged. We are being fooled...we don't need to be entertained; we need to be enlightened and create in positive movement solutions that embrace all in peace.